As a psychic, one knows that certain information is held back by our Spirit Guides since we all have our free agency. They do not want to influence or interfere with outcomes that have already been determined in the Spirit World. With that in mind and for entertainment purposes only, here are predictions from notes written on April, 2024. This is for entertainment purposes only. 1. Heat wave across the New England States. 2. Leading Presidential candidate will drop out. 3. Assassination attempt on leading political candidate. 4. Neo movement across US cities starting in Nashville. 5. Housing market will take a dive due to high interest rates. 6. Argentina will win the World Cup. 7. Protests in the UK. 8. Three women presidents elected across the world in major countries. 9. UFO sigtnings in Western States. 10. Stock market breaks records. 2025 Predications
These predictions are for entertainment purpose only. 1. The 25-year revamping of society will start to take place. After a few uncertainties, the revamp will start in the United States. The economy will improve, jobs will increase, small business will begin to show profits, housing will be affordable and a balance of power will begin. 2. Mass deportations in various countries will impact food prices. The focus will not be on the working "illegal" immigrants but rather on those who are detained and have commit serious crimes. 3. The United States will start process to add another State. Another country with a promising economic potential will become the next State. 4. Two icon celebrities and two icon politicians will pass. 5. Volcanos in North America will erupt. 6. Major earthquake will devastate cities and coast line. This will occur in the West. 7. UFO sightings will increase. By the end of 2028, contact will be made with ETs. 8. Latin American president will be assassinated. 9. Iranian cell will attack United States and Canada. 10. HBAR, VECHAIN and AVALANCHE will increase by 80%. Crypto will begin to make their economic benefits to all.